Race Teams

Motorsports Insurance for Race Teams

If there is a catastrophic event that occurs to your race team during a racing event, you will need the best insurance coverage possible. With all your options, determining the right policy for your race team can be challenging. The solution for securing adequate insurance coverage is to meet with a Jones Birdsong insurance broker. We can go over all your options and help you choose the right coverage for your entire racing team.

Protect Your Property

We can help you secure insurance that covers all of your race team’s property. This includes equipment, vehicles, tools, buildings, and other property associated with your race team. The insurance can cover your property during a race or while your vehicles are in storage. Our goal is to get you complete coverage to minimize the financial risk of all your assets.


The question, “Whose fault is it?” after an accident could be aimed at someone on your race team. Liability, however, could also lie with a racing facility, vehicle manufacturer, employee, competitor, or other racing entities as well. This is why liability insurance is vital to your team’s protection. Liability insurance protects you in case someone hits you with a lawsuit, whether you are at fault or not. We can help you determine how much liability insurance you will need and then find providers who can put together the right plan for your racing team.

Auto Insurance for Your Vehicles

Auto insurance covers all vehicles included in your race team. This includes all trucks and trailers, company vehicles, and any other transport associated with your race team. Coverage extends while at the racetrack (not on-track) and the open road. Although most vehicles are covered under standard insurance, we can help you look at other options for protecting your most valuable assets.

Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is legislated by the state in which your race team resides or the state in which the injury occurs. Most states require employers to provide the coverage.

Get an Insurance Quote From a Jones Birdsong Expert

If you’re looking for motorsports insurance, then contact Jones Birdsong today. Our insurance brokers represent our clients, not insurance companies. Therefore, we are always working on your behalf to get you the best insurance plan with the best rates. We work with racing teams, individual competitors, race track owners, and other similar clients. To get a quick quote, call us at 952-521-4526, or you can message us at tendsley@jonesbirdsong.com.