Brokers are insurance experts who meet with clients to help them find a plan that best suits their needs. It is a broker’s job to provide their client with expert advice and guidance capable of helping the client find the best insurance coverage possible.


If you’re in need of insurance coverage for your upcoming motorsport event, you may have decided to meet with a professional broker. At Jones Birdsong, our motorsport insurance brokers can provide you with expert assistance and guidance that help you find the plan that meets your requirements. Prior to meeting with a broker, however, there are several steps you can take to maximize your preparation and success.


●        Have a Price Range in Mind

As you prepare for your event, you should always have your budget and ideal price ranges in mind. In addition to understanding how much you want to spend on the event itself, you should also know how much money you’ll want to spend on the insurance plan. You should also figure out whether you will take part in a payment plan or pay for your insurance coverage all at once. At Jones Birdsong, we provide flexible payment plans and quick quotes so you can feel confident about staying within your price range.


●        Bring Important Documents

When you schedule your appointment with the insurance broker, they will inform you what materials you should bring to your meeting. Often, you may need to bring your driver’s license or important company documents if you own a motorsport club. Make a list of what you’ll need to bring so you don’t forget to collect your documents before your meeting. Having these documents will help the entire process move quickly and efficiently.


●        Understand What Type of Insurance You Need

While our brokers can guide you towards finding an insurance policy that fits your needs best, you should go into your scheduled meeting having an idea of what type of insurance you will need to consider. You may be in need of insurance for property damage, or you may need coverage in case of injuries. In some cases, you may be in need of a policy that covers both of those aspects.


●        Have Questions Prepared

Insurance policies can be difficult to understand if you’re not an expert, which is why you should arrive at your meeting with questions you know you want to ask. Having questions prepared can help you better understand your insurance options. Our team of professional brokers at Jones Birdsong is happy to answer any questions you have. We want to help you have full understanding of the process.

Benefits of Working With an Insurance Broker

As experts in the motorsport insurance industry, our brokers can help you sort through your options and find a policy in line with your expectations and price range. Meeting with an insurance broker can provide you with many benefits.


●        Quick Quotes

At Jones Birdsong, our brokers provide quick quotes so you can start planning for your event as quickly as possible. Obtaining a prompt quote will allow you to better understand your insurance options and feel confident hosting your event.


●        Expert Guidance

Insurance brokers work for you, rather than a specific insurance company, so you can feel confident knowing the plans presented to you are with your best interest in mind. At Jones Birdsong, our brokers bring expertise and extensive motorsport insurance knowledge to every meeting. By working with an insurance broker, you will receive the expert guidance needed to find a policy that meets your requirements.


●        Protection of Privacy

When working with a professional insurance broker, your information remains private and secure. Brokers follow a strict policy to keep any client’s information confidential. This can allow you to comfortably weigh your options and make a decision.


●        Flexible Payment Plans

Working with an insurance broker at Jones Birdsong means getting the coverage you need using a method you feel comfortable with. We provide flexible payment options for you to choose from. We want you to get the best coverage possible and we will provide you the options necessary to make your event secure and successful.

Your Team of Expert Brokers

Part of preparing to meet with a broker is knowing the benefits you can anticipate from your meeting. Ensuring you have the best understanding possible about what our insurance brokers can do for you will help you get the most out of our services. To learn more about our services or to speak with one of our experts, contact Jones Birdsong today at 952-521-4526.